The Santa Fun Run

This morning Glenn, W's Mum, Myself and W took part in the second “Santa's Fun Run” in Marlow.

The photo shows us shortly before leaving the house to walk down to Higginson Park, where any small children were probably asking lots of questions. There were in the region of 300 Santa's in the park waiting for the start.

Myself and Glenn ran around the 5 kilometre course together, and W and her Mum “power walked” it. It's the first time I have done any running since last spring, when I took part in the local 5 mile race. We just jogged around, and it's a good job we did – running in a santa suit could quite easily be classed as torture.

Unfortunately there are no photos of us actually running – which was inevitable really. How do you spot two Santa's in a field of over 300 of them?

I'm wondering how much my legs are going to ache tomorrow...