The Third Place
I created a “kind of professional” blog to go alongside this one, which kind of results in having three blogs now (this, Tumblr, and the new one). Yes, I am madbut there is some kind of reasoning behind it all. I empty my head hereit's not always that interestingit's not always about the “wider world” that might be of interest to others. I use Tumblr as a scrap bookfilled with random photos, and sometimes links to what I have written here. The “third place” is really just the stuff I've written that I'm moderately proud of, and that others might actually be interested in reading (who am I kidding).
Anyway. There it is.
In other news, it's 3:42pm, and I've pretty much blown my first “day off”. Two more days to go. Two more days to kick back and have some resemblance of “fun” with the kids. This morning's adventure was a trip to the park in town, followed by lunch at “Wimpy” (the sad remains of the once mighty Lyons Corner House empire). Since then I have been tinkering on the internet while the girls play football with the neighbourhood boys outside.
The park was kind of a mistake. I thought it might be quiet, thinking that most of the kids are back in school today. Boy was I wrongthe yummy mummies were out in force, along with every grandparent within a 50 mile radius.
Coffee. Time for a coffee. I guess this post is not going in the “best of” blog