This is my Filofax
I happened upon a blog post about bullet journaling this evening – a retro inspired scheme to draw up lists in a paper notebook to somehow enforce order on a chaotic world. I watched the introductory video on Youtube, and read a couple of blog posts before deciding that it wasn't for me. Because, you see, I have a Filofax.
A part of me wants to recite the Rifleman's Creed – “This is my Filofax. There are many like it, but this one is mine”. If you've seen the movie “Full Metal Jacket”, you should have all sorts of bells ringing in your head by now.
Anyway. I thought it might be worth writing a very few words about why I carry a paper diary at all, given that I work with computers, and what I use it for.
I carry a paper diary because I'm as eccentric as a crazy person. Also, it doesn't require batteries. In reality, although I try to write things in that are happening over the next few days, I invariably record things that have happened each day, such that I can use it to record my time-sheets at work a few days later.
And those are my very few words. I'm not going to bang on and on about note taking methodologies, and/or task list craziness (yes, I read “Getting Things Done”, just like everybody else about 8 years ago). I no longer bother with a task list on my phone. I've ended up using Google Keep to scribble quick notes about craziness I see while out and about – sort of a queing system for blog people-watching victims (basically, if you do something objectionable in front of me, you're going to get written about at some point).