Tick Tock, Tick Tock

I ordered a new watch from Amazon yesterday afternoon – to replace the Casio digital watch I've been wearing for the last year. I spent three times as much on this one, choosing a model with a metal body and a leather strap. It still cost less than a meal out.

I always find choosing watches difficult. I tend to like minimal, clean designs, and don't like extra features unless they are useful to me. Truth be told, I don't really like the hour and minute hands on this one, but given the cost, I couldn't really argue. The watch was advertised at a third of it's original price, and I think I know why – I'm almost certain it's a “second” – the second hand doesn't line up with the markers after it gets perhaps half-way around the face. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with it.

I will admit to looking at the basic version of the Pebble “smart-watch”, but given that my phone is a bit rubbish, and it would be one more thing to charge up every few days, I (hopefully wisely) chose not to go with it.