Time to Dream
I’m not entirely sure where today went. A conference call with Germany first thing this morning uncovered some strange behaviour within the system I have been working on for the last several months.
After digging a rather impressive hole through the source code, the deployment scripts, and who knows what else, I gradually narrowed down and then pieced together what was wrong. I won’t bore you with it – suffice to say I ended the day having written code to correct a pretty serious bug in a very expensive commercial product.
I have been wondering about starting a technical blog again – to share some of the more interesting discoveries I make, and their various workarounds and fixes. I’m not sure how much of an audience there might be for it though – if any. I used to have a technical blog – filled with programming snippets – but ended up filtering the good stuff to such an extent that it caused it’s own demise. When you have worked for hours (or days) solving a problem that lots of other people have also experienced and not solved, you become reticent about giving the solution away.
I used to give everything away. I was the “open source guy” in the office. I remember visiting the Microsoft offices one day for a marketing presentation, and half expecting a klaxon to erupt as I entered the building. Now I run Windows 10 on my laptop at home, play games on an XBox 360, and smile at my formerly idealistic self.
I’ve always had a bit of an anarchic streak though. Some of you will remember the Tumblr alternative I built a few years back. If nothing else, the entire escapade served as a reminder that building things is fun, and running things is horrific. Having sixteen thousand users turn up on the night it went live didn’t really help.
Anyway. It’s Friday night, and the clock is ticking towards midnight. Time to sleep. Time to dream.