Tired and Hungry
A little while ago the sky darkened so much overhead that I began looking for “The Dark Mark” in the clouds. For a few minutes rain fell like it had only just discovered how to do so, and caused new rivers to form around the various nearby buildings.
I looked at the clock, and figured the local primary school children would have been walking home at the exact moment the sky began unloading. If our children didn't mess around, they would have avoided itif not, I will be hearing stories this evening about their epic swim across town.
Oh my word. Halfway through writing this nonsensical daydream of a post, something of import happened. A helicopter started hovering a few hundred yards away! I walked out onto the lawn outside the office with coffee cup in hand, and started scanning the sky, looking for the source of the commotion. After wandering back and forth a little, I spied the local police helicopter hovering cunningly behind a large tree or rather I was hiding behind a large tree, and the helicopter was some distance away.
The helicopter has gone now, and I have to think of something productive to do with the last hour of my day. I have been plagued by helpdesk calls, and got little or no work done. At least I'm not having to run away through the countryside, with a helicopter in hot pursuit though (or rather, in my case, half interested pursuit as I cough and wheeze my way from field to field).
Getting back to the title of this post, I'm tired, and hungry. The tiredness can be explained by not getting much sleep over the weekend. The hunger can be explained by only making myself a few crappy cheese sandwiches for lunch. While a part of me says “that means you're not eating rubbish”, another part of me is saying “we're going to eat ALL the rubbish when we get home”