Trigger's Toothbrush

I just had perhaps the most bizarre conversation with our eldest daughter in quite some time. We will try to ignore that I met her at the foot of the stairs at 10:30pman hour after she was supposed to be in bed. We will concentrate on her immediate question;“Is my toothbrush down here?”“No idea”She wandered off into the bathroom in search of it, and I half listenedwondering if my other half would tip an otherwise quiet evening down the toilet and start ranting at her about not going to bed when asked.

A few moments later she appeared behind me.“Is that my toothbrush?” (pointing at the one charging on the desk)“It doesn't matterit's been there for days”“But is it my toothbrush?”“No, but it doesn't matterwe have three or four, and they nearly all have new heads too”“Nothat one is mine”“Noit's been there for daysI put it on charge about a week ago!”“No you didn'tbecause it's mine!”“I put it there! Before the weekend! I swapped the body”“Noit's a blue oneit's mine!”“Four of them are blue!“It's at this point in a disagreement with a teenager that you just have to shut up, and agree with whatever they are saying, because it's not worth the breath.

As she left the room, I tried to explain about Trigger's Broom from the television comedy “Only Fools and Horses”where he claims to have had the same broom for twenty-something years. Later in the scene he adds that it's had ten heads and five handles.

Miss 13 didn't get it. I gave up.