I had the best idea for a blog post earlier. Unfortunately all I remember about it now is that I had an idea. I have no idea what that idea was, or how interesting it might have been. I can’t imagine it was that earth shattering, otherwise I would be publishing the best thing you’ve read all day. I’m not – I’m publishing this.
I’m sitting at the dining table in the lounge, with the hand-me-down laptop that I inherited from the kids. I’ve drunk two glasses of wine that have gone straight to my head. Most people talk about a glass of wine relaxing them. When you’re already knackered after a night walking kids around town between various after-school activities, wine becomes sleeping potion. It would help if I hadn’t seemingly become immune to caffeine. I downed a cappuccino earlier, and it bounced off me like a ping-pong ball.
I don’t really have any stories to tell today. Nothing to report. While walking between a dance class and a football field earlier, I thought about the idiotic pattern I’ve fallen into – posting every day, and wondered if it would hurt to back away – to post once every few days, or once a week even. This is where I say I’m thinking about it, and then post fifteen posts tomorrow. It would be nice to sit and read a book though – instead of thinking “I should post something on the blog”.