Unexpectedly Ascending the Nerd Ranks
I'm not sure if this is anything to crow about, but a new follower at LiveJournal informed me that they found me via the “User Ratings”. I'll admit that I had no idea such a thing existed until they told me, but after a little wander around the LiveJournal site, I discovered that I really am listed there, and only a few hundred from the top.
Interestingly, LiveJournal appears to be in the news at the moment – or at least the nerdy news channels I peruse – it turns out they are something of a survival story. Their user numbers are on the rise. Maybe they are not as spectacularly successful as places like Tumblr, but they do appear to be on the rise.
Anyway (after calming down from the thought that I could become somewhat famous if I put any effort into blogging, which I clearly don't), I started wondering about what else I could do to pollute the internet. I'm trying something out. Something stupid. I've wired up “If This Then That” to auto-magically cross-post from Blogger to Tumblr for me. If you've not visited my “Blogger Blog”, it's kind of the V-GER of my online universe – the ancient blog that acts as the source of all things.
I've consciously notcross posted into Tumblr in the recent past, because the people that tend to read the dashboard there veryrarely follow any links outside of it's gated community. It's a walled garden par-excellence. Trying to persuade anybody that a world exists outside it's reblogged borders usually results in a Spinal Tap style conversation about amplifier maximum volume levels (you need to know the movie to get that reference).
I'm going to cross post for a while anyway, and see what happens. If the Tumblr numbers go up, I'll keep doing it. If they don't, I'll probably pack it in. Again. This isn't the first time I've tried something like this. Some people like reading the rubbish I write – some take no notice (which is exactly as the internet should be).
If you made it this far you deserve a medal. I've written a very long, very boring post about nothing in particular. It's a skill. I'm good at it.