Vague post is vague

While not becoming intensely annoyed with a co-worker for wasting hours tinkering with something I built that worked perfectly until he tinkered with it today, I had a pretty damn good day.
I started the day with a huge programming problem that I didn't really know how to begin to solve, and ended the day on an hour long sprint writing perhaps the most elegant solution I've conjured in quite some time. I just have to hope the client understands what on earth I've done. I don't usually do “clever” – if given a choice, I will almost always choose simple and methodical, because it's easier to test, debug, deploy, and maintain.
I'm secretly hoping they will smile when they see what I've done, and how they will be able to use it.
Apologies for being vague. If you knew what it was that I've solved, you would probably roll your eyes, but just take it on faith that it wasn't easy, and it's pretty awesome. Honest.
At the time of writing it's heading towards 9:30pm. I've only just sat down after getting home from work, washing up, fetching our youngest from dance class, washing up again, eating dinner, and washing up again. I have to be up at 5am tomorrow to take Miss 11 to school early (she's going to France for the day). I'm guessing the tidal wave of tiredness will hit at some point tomorrow afternoon while I'm hunched over my desk at work.
Massive change of subject – I downloaded the beta of “LEGO Worlds” at lunchtime, to see what all the fuss is about. Think “LEGO Minecraft”. It's built by the same people that have made all the LEGO computer games (Travellers Tales), and I have to admit it's great fun. There's a very simple reason why it's never going to do anywhere near as well as Minecraft though – it's too resource hungry. The best computer in our house cannot run it without stuttering and pausing all the time, whereas you can run Minecraft quite happily on a Raspberry Pi. How many families own a 1000 gaming PC?