Valentines Day
You all know that Valentines Day was hijacked (as with just about any other significant date in the calendar) by the Christian Church, right?
For centuries the name “Valentine” was attached to a member of the clergy that married Roman soldiers without authority to do so, but as with many stories, it has been embellished, and expanded upon until any relation to the real story has been lost. Of course the Christian “version” of the story paints “St Valentine” as a hero, and the Romans that executed him as barbaric butchers.
As with all stories at this time of year, the real origin of “Valentines Day” is a pagan fertility festival. Spring is coming. New life. New partnerships.
Our modern interpretation of St Valentines Day is mostly down to the likes of Chaucer, Shakespeare, and latterly the “romantics” of 18th Century England – the same idiots that invented greetings cards, and confectionary.