Visitors from another world ?
Many years ago I picked up a copy of a book called “Communion” by Whitley Strieber. It told the (true) story of a series of strange episodes in his lifemany witnessed by third partiesthat many immediately presumed to be “Aliens”. The entire story got wound into the abduction conspiracy theory that was prevalent in the 1990s, and eventually made into a straight-to-television movie starring Christopher Walken.
Here's the thingWhitley Strieber never claimed he had encountered Alienshe always maintained he had no clue what he, his family, and his friends had experienced.
Here's another thinghe was a successful author of horror fiction before it all began, and is obviously an intelligent guy. Was it all fabricated? You'll have to read the book, and make your own mind up.
I'm inclined to think that elements of the story are probably very real. Throughout all the stories about little grey men that did the rounds years agoand eventually spawned popular television shows such as the X-Files, and Dark SkiesI couldn't help wondering if there isn't smoke without fire.
You might get a few cranks here and there telling similar stories, but you don't get thousands of people all over the world reporting the same kind of episode as each other. It's worth remembering that people were telling their storiesbefore the internet took holdthere was no mass communication medium available to them outside of dial-up bulletin board systems that you had to be a nerd to have a chance with (I knowI was one of those nerds).
Maybe temporal lobe epilepsy is far more common than we thoughtor perhaps ghosts, aliens, and deja-vu are all the same thing, and we don't understand any of them.
As a famous line from a TV show statedall the evidence to the contrary doesn't entirely preclude the possibility that we are being visited by beings from another world.