Waiting and Watching

I'm waiting for a server at the other end of the country to finish churning through data, and spit out an “I'm finished” message without barfing it's guts up, or spewing random data in all directions. Waiting, and watching nothing in particular happening on the surface are a pretty good source of paranoia.

I keep wandering back to the remote desktop session, hitting refresh in the browser, and half praying that it's still saying “In Progress”. If it gets as far as saying “Completed” without incident, I may well do some kind of ridiculous happy dance. I have been known to roll backwards away from my desk on the office chair with fists punching the air in the past.

I have little to do for the rest of the day other than obsess over the status message. I wish I had something more interesting to record.

Inbetween waiting, and refreshing the browser I have been looking in on Tumblr. It's a stupid thing to do, because you end up wishing you could spend more time online, and become “proper” friends with people. In reality Tumblr is just a stack of post-its and postcards recording fragments of our lives as we run here and there doing this and that. It's a refrigerator door, festoned with magnets and messages for those wandering past.