We could power Monsteropolis

While walking home from town with our eldest daughter last weekend, she suddenly stopped, and crouched down to retrieve something from the side of the footpath.

A conker.

It seems crazy that autumn has already arrivedwhere has the year gone? In recent weeks the nights have begun drawing in increasingly quicklyI will need to put lights on the bike again soon.

I digress. At lunchtime I wandered from the office, down towards the river, and the line of mighty trees. If I took any notice of my other half while out walking, I would be able to knowledgeably list the various species of tree that line the River Thames near the office, but beyond Oak, and Sycamore, I'm pretty much lost. I only know the horse chestnuts because they have the conkers hanging from themAt first I couldn't see any conkers anywhere. Walking back and forth, I suddenly found one, then another, and another. Suddenly I was seeing them everywhereI'm not sure if they had been hiding, or if my eyes needed to train themselves somehow? Within minutes I filled my make-do holdall (a sandwich bag) with perhaps 100 conkers, and wandered back quite proud of myself.

After arriving home this evening, I shed my coat and bag in the study, and wandered back to the kitchen clutching the precious cargohanding my sandwich bag to our youngest daughter. Her quizzical expression turned to surprise, and excitement;“CONKERS!“At present she is upstairs playing some kind of invented Conker game with her big sisterI fear it involves throwing conkers around the room like medieval missiles, because I keep hearing fearful crashes, and thuds. Normally I would have stopped the fun by now, but there are also explosions of a kind of laughter that only Miss 8 can seemingly summon.

If Monsteropolis was real, we would be billionairesin possession of the most powerful laughter source in the known universe.