Weird Dreams

I had the by far the strangest dream in quite some time last night – and it's content was controversial enough that I can't easily share any of it. Let's just say it involved somebody I know in the real world, and that I woke with a start, wishing I could fall back into the same dream.

Dreams make no sense – but piecesof this one have burned images so strongly into my memory that it's hard to shake them. There is no way on earth I can tell the person involved that they starred in quite possibly the most messed up story ever to come out of my head – and no doubt when I next see them next (this evening!), the memories are going to flood back, and make conversation kind of awkward.

In other news, I'm working from home this morning. I have a conference call first thing, then a trip to Oxford on the train for a meeting. I haven't been to Oxford for well over 10 years – in some ways it will be like going home – I'm from Oxfordshire originally. I looked up the destination on Google Maps yesterday, and immediately thought “I know exactly where that is”... some cities never change.

Coffee first.