We're going to need a bigger monitor
I ordered a new monitor for the computer today. For the last couple of years I've put up with the one I bought with the computer that's stuffed under the desk – it's the only HDMI monitor in the house, and it only has one HDMI socket. It has no speakers, and no audio out either – so I can't plug the XBox 360 into it either. During a lull in hostilities at lunchtime, I popped the browser open on Amazon, and ordered a replacement – 24 inches of monitorial gloriousness (yes, I'm making up words).
I fully expect to be out when the monitor arrives tomorrow. I usually am. It's a rule of the universe – whenever a postal employee is in the area, the person that normally resides at the destination house for a parcel will not be in – which means the parcel will return to the sorting office until the next day, when the same thing happens. I made the mistake of thinking “I'll be in tomorrow, because it's Saturday”.
Saturday's are never that simple.
I will be out all morning watching our youngest play football. Following that, I'll be in town teaching our eldest how to use her bank card. Following that, we're invited to a friend's house for something to drink. Sunday is equally mad – rugby all morning in a nearby village watching our middle girl play, then heading over to Adams Park to watch Wasps play against London Irish. I expect we'll return home in the late evening, and the weekend will be all-but over.
In a ridiculous fit of optimism, I brought the work laptop home this weekend to maybe do a few hours overtime. It looks like I might get two or three hours in, tops – and they might well be on Sunday night. I told the management that the chances of me findingtime for overtime was the risk – and it's looking absolutely true so far.
p.s. one of my friends has given me a copy of everythingin the Mame back-catalogue. I now have every arcade game made over the last 30 years... quite when I might find time to play any of them is anybody's guess. I fired up “Phoenix” earlier, and suddenly I was 8 years old, looking over my brother's shoulder as the waves of baddies came down the screen at me.