What kind of nerd still has a Filofax ?
I updated the calendar section in my Filofax today – I should really have done it at the start of August (mid year diaries run August to July), but because we were being run over repeatedly by life throughout the summer, I didn't get around to renewingit.Of course, while in the stationers I also picked up a huge packetof Sharpie markers, and a new sketchbook. They were on offerhave always worked better on paper. I carry a Moleskine notebook around for the same reason. It's filled with pages and pages of doodles and thoughts about the world around me – usually while waiting for meetings, bored in meetings, or stuck in railway stations hundreds of miles from home.
I like paper, and I like writing. There is something more genuine, eccentric, and romantic about forging the little squiggles we call writing onto a piece of paper. Yes, it's slower and more untidy than typing, but there's something more crafted, or curated about it.
The day the Filofax section vanishes from the high street stationers will be a sad day.