Where did all the towels go ?
This morning was going so well. I woke up at some ridiculous hour, fell back asleep and had quite the most bizarre dream in recent memory, and then woke again within moments of my phone erupting to tell me to get up. I got up, jumped in the shower (which is a ridiculous word to use really – I stepped into the shower while avoiding the jets of propably cold water, which turned out to be fine). I rubbed the free shower gel stuff into my hair and then washed it back out, stepped out of the shower, and reached for a towel.
You're way ahead of me.
There were no towels. Having only got up a few moments before my brain hadn't really engaged – not only had I not realised there were no towels the night before when I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I didn't notice before getting in the shower either. So now I was stood in the middle of the bathroom, dripping all over the place, trying to think what to do next.
That's when I spied the floor mat.
Most hotels have a slightly heavier towel with a border, designed to go on the floor outside the shower (which always leaks), and for you to step out onto. I shrugged my shoulders, picked it up off the floor, and dried myself off with it. I then got dressed, fished some paper and a pen from my bag, and left a small note in the bathroom asking for some towels (I even wrote a smiley face afterwards).
So yeah – that was how my day began. The rest of the day was spent in a state of recursive frustration with the computer system I am working on. Everything I tried to do ended up coming back to bite me in the ass. Everything. In the end I pretty much gave up, and thought “they're getting what they're getting, and they'll have to be happy with it”.
Tomorrow evening I go home. I will leave mid-afternoon, and set out on the five hour journey home – taking me into London, across the Underground, and back out across the fields to Narnia. It may as well be Narnia. Or Hobbiton.
p.s. I am on vacation for the next two weeks. Please excuse me while I do a happy dance.