Where did this week go?
I seem to remember stopping at some point towards the tail end of last week, and wondering where on earth the week had gone. It's happening again. It's only Thursday, and yet here I amshaking my head. It feels like my feet haven't touched the ground for days.
Work has been a bit of a nightmare recentlyand yet as ever I can't write about it because it would betray too many professional confidences. Let's just say I've been caught between a rock and a hard place recently. Not fun. When you experience too many days without touching the ground, you begin wondering about the future.
Anyway!I started a new blog todayor more accuratelyI resurrected some old posts. It's a techie blog, full of code snippets, observations, and solutions to things I've struggled with in the past. I've registered it at WordPress because I figured it's better to host the blog where the people are than build yet another island out in the middle of nowhere (although I keep changing my mind).
A part of me wants to move this blog, and the techie blog both into subdomains of my homepage”blog”, and “notes”, respectively. I'm really not sure what to do. The attraction of being part of WordPress.com is you get exposure to a massive audience for freebut I'm not really sure that's such a significant thing, to be honest.
Listen to meyapping on about inane rubbish.
Coffee. I need a coffee. And a cookie.