Where Do I Get My Medal From?

I just got in from running with my eldest daughter – the one that fell off the “Couch to 5K” wagon spectacularly over the last couple of weeks. She really, really didn't want to go running tonight, but somehow I talked her into it – even though I've still got the ridiculous head-cold that seems intent on answering the “missing mass in the universe” question (it's all the damn snot in my head).

Seriously though – where the hell does all the snot even come from?

We were *supposed *to run for 15 minutes, walk for 2 minutes, and then run for another 15. She managed 15, then 12 minutes. I used age-old kidology skills to get her running again at the half-way point, and then talked absolute rubbish for the last five minutes to distract her.

She left the house with a face like a wet weekend, and returned home laughing, joking, and bouncing around. The difference was like night and day.

So where's my damn medal?