Where the hell did he go?
It occurred to me this morning (when somebody kindly let me know about the nuclear spam bomb I inadvertently set of off on Saturday afternoon) that I didn't really give any kind of explanation for my departure from WordPress. Given that I should at present be doing something far more important than writing this, but infinitely more boring, I thought it might be useful to spend a few minutes explaining.
I have written a blog in one shape or another on the internet for over a decade. I have all the posts stillsquirrelled away in various bolt holes around the placebut only a tiny fraction of it is “online” any more. I have struggled to find motivation to carry on writing an online journal for the last couple of years.
The arrival of the world and it's dog on the internet means that close family and friends see everything I shareeither accidentally or notand that means the subjects I might write about become censored to such an extent that the effort required to write them comes into question.At the same time, WordPress (where the words have lived for the last several years) has changed. It is no longer a community of personal bloggers recording moments of their daily lives to share with othersit is more about press releases from organisations, magazines, publications, and so on.
So I find myself sitting out hereon the very edge of the blogospherewondering what to do. The arrival of the “Ghost” blogging platform seemed like the get-out-of-jail card I had been looking for, but I'm not so sure any more. I'm not sure about many things at all any more.
If you made it through this dirge of a post, you probably deserve some kind of sticker.