Who, What, When, Where, Why ?
If you arrived at my blog looking for the technical posts about all sorts of stuff, you'll perhaps have been surprised to find that all manner of idiotic rambling has replaced it. I decided to take the technical posts offlinefor a number of reasons.
I've written a technical blog alongside the personal blog for a long timemainly as a way of forcing myself to write up notes properly (if I don't write for an audience, I just scribble an unintelligible stream of consciousness and source code snippets).
The main problem with publishing technical stuff to the internet is that it has such a short shelf life. The other problem is that I can't shareeverything. Sometimes I will solve a complex problem, and the solution is too good to share. Think about itI work for a commercial organisationif I come up with something while being paid by a customer, regardless of how generic the solution isit becomes difficult to validate sharing the knowledge they paid for. Of course there's also the argument that all projects take advantage of knowledge and experience based on previous projects, but then it becomes a personal decision.
I have had to make the call several times when sharing code snippets to hack the code to pieces, and only share small parts of itbecause I'm not in the business of giving away hard won solutions for free. Years ago I might have, but eventually you become disenchanted with the culture of others in the supposedly “open” community only taking, and giving nothing back. I've lost count of the number of emails I've received asking questions about a solution, and eventually flat-out asking me to write their code for them.
I'm rambling. I'll shut up.
The long and the short of it is that I am no longer sharing source code on the internet. I might take more part in community forums around products I work with, but that will pretty much be it.
Right then. Back to the mundane recording of every-day life!