You are the night sky

I have the strangest thoughts while catching up on blog posts. I've followed the majority of the people I follow for long enough that I might claim to”know” them a little. You're like the night sky.

Some of you burn constantly – you're always here, always posting, always sharing. You're like some kind of constant of the universe.

Some of you burn fiercely, showering those around you with light before falling into shadow. Sometimes you return, and sometimes not.

Some of you burn through a cycle of sorts – white hot, dark, white hot, dark. You take us on the journey with you, and we reach out and share the ride from time to time.

Some of you burn quietly but consistently. Those that take the time to look a little more closely discover unanticipated wonders.

Some of you come and go – like a comet racing across the sky. You never know when you will next return, but you are remembered by the community, in stories told with laughter and smiles.