stories of sight loss and experience

/ Conversation in a Dream

It was night. I think it was raining. Ahead I saw a long, low vehicle blocking my way.

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Black Cane Diary · Conversation In A Dream

It was night. I think it was raining. Ahead I saw a long, low vehicle blocking my way. Flows of water slid down its armoured side. I pressed forward, swinging my cane from left to right, until the shadow of a policeman appeared, tall, his face invisible under a helmet.

Can I pass? I said.

He raised a gloved hand in reply and placed it on my shoulder. I felt my body propelled sideways, the policeman processing beside me, his movements slow, mournful, as if they cost him a great deal of effort.

I wish, he said, speaking through a sigh, I wish you wouldn't use a black stick.

Why not?

It makes it so much harder to see you. It's much less safe.

Should I use a white stick instead?

I think so.

Then the shape of his helmet looked away, over the top of my head to whatever was happening on the rainy streets behind me. I knew there were important things going on, other people, jostling, shouts. Something violent was about to happen.

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