Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

All About Friday the 13th

All About Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is the unlucky day; it is real; any misfortune has the potential to occur on that fateful day; it is possible to get sick on Friday the 13th; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, am writing this for all of us to be aware of Friday the 13th; let us comprehend Friday the 13th;

Modern Friday the 13th is an actual Thursday the 13th, as mentioned of the actual days of the week; Zachariel, the Regent of Jupiter, governs the actual Thursday; so basically, the Modern Friday the 13th is never the unlucky day; only the actual Friday the 13th or modern Tuesday the 13th is the unlucky day;

Auriel, the regent of Venus, governs the actual Friday; for Hispanic and Greek nations, “Modern” Tuesday the 13th is their actual Friday the 13th, the unlucky day;

Anyone who says Modern Friday the 13th is the unlucky day is sincerely mistaken; on the modern Tuesday the 13th would be the unlucky Friday the 13th;

As a general rule, Tuesday the 1st of any month always precedes Friday the 13th.