Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

All About Martial Arts

All About Martial Arts

Martial Arts is not what you know or think of modern Martial Arts;

Martial Arts have nothing to do with violence or fighting;

Martial Arts is none of the fake martial arts, for these things are now degenerated, incomplete, and vulgar;

The Martial Arts that I, Juan Mirieth Auriel, am talking about are real martial arts;

Real martial Arts exist to awaken the consciousness and strengthen the body and soul from harm, as they did in the past; real Martial Arts is the Judo of the Spirit; the Origin of Martial Arts is derived from the Art of Mars, the Roman God of War; the Regent of Mars is Samael (סמאל); real martial arts is no violence or fighting; it is about peace for others and yourself; real martial arts itself is magic;

Consider this passage:

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord (Yah-Hovah), and in the power of his might (ratzon – רצאון); put on the whole armour of God (the Elohim – אלהים), that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil; for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities (theories, beliefs, non-practical systems), against powers (sorcery), against the rulers of the darkness of this world (Black Lodge), against spiritual wickedness (impurity) in high places” – Ephesians 6:10-12

In the name of true, i was a Chung Do Kwan student; Chung Do Kwan is a specific form of Tae Kwon Do, and my grandmaster at that time was Duk Song Son; i ascended no higher than a 1st-degree black belt; from 2003 until 2012, I have done it; i even had a master (6th Dan/Degree) at that time; i also remembered punches, kicks, attacks, forms, sparring, three steps, and many other physical-conditional moves; after I left Tae Kwon Do in 2012, i retain this knowledge of martial arts throughout these years and learned online Tang Soo Do, its Korean cousin of Chung Do Kwan; this is how i cross-trained myself;

Here we are now that I, Juan Mirieth Auriel, returned to Martial Arts as a judo practitioner; this time, if I were an instructor or teacher, I would never teach you any forms of degeneration and violence; instead, you would be taught real martial arts: the way of peace and balance; i would also recommend for those who internally awaken to practice and maintain physical conditioning as long as it never leads to violence; laziness and internal awakening never mix; for turning the other cheek, i renounce violence;

For uniforms, there is no need to waste a lot of money; for this sake, i encourage everyone to be low-profile in a martial arts uniform; you can optionally buy martial arts pants only for a good price; for colored-ranked belts (or stashes) in martial arts, be warned; the misuse of colored-ranked belts is associated with vanity and pride; upon the entry-level of a black belt, it symbolizes discipleship and is never the end of the journey; it is the beginning of your journey through initiation; those who are black belts (higher dans) and far more experienced (at 6th dan or higher) call themselves masters; a dan is a Hebrew word for judge; judges are masters or leaders; do not be called masters, for your Innermost is your true master;

Black belts are very special and are more than uniform; to be worthy of a black belt is to earn it, never fake it; black belts are sacrificial and honorary; fakers, claiming themselves to be black belts and masters or grandmasters, have no sense of honor; they have no sacrifice within themselves; we will expose these con artists through lawful grounds; only the martial art who has goodness within him and has sacrificed with honor earn this right to be a black belt;

Learn to use martial arts for the sake of goodness, my friend; those who use martial arts for impurity are demons; clearly, a martial artist of ill will is a pure fornicator; these deviants are a danger to the public and freedom with order; hence, they are criminals;

All martial artists must comprehend that we have power over life and death; we can take a life or spare a life; whosoever takes a life unlawfully commits murder; you have a defense to criminal liability if you start no fight or violence;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, never and will never open up a martial arts school for the sake of anonymity to the world; for this sake, I encourage everyone to remain undercover from the eyes of impurity and to avoid climbing up the ranks of popularity among the world; it is best to remain undercover than to be publicly popular around the world; this is how you will save yourself.