Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



Anger is the wrath; wrath is the antithesis of patience;

It is anger, which is defined as “a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility”;

Anger is the impatience, the frustration, the fury;

Anger is one of the Seven Deadly Vices; because of it, anger is a negative emotion;

“Anger is a momentary madness, so control your passion or it will control you” – Horace

It is urgent to cease our anger;

It is never recommended to suppress anger; the suppression of anger is a boiling magma in a volcanic chamber, increasing pressure and rising from within, only to explode over time from the mouth of the volcano;

We must learn to abstain from arguing; any argument with anger is nothing but excitement lacking conviction; complaining and arguing are already useless and demonic; these things will never solve our problems that originate in real life; they will only worsen our problems;

Anger never gives us focus; anger only annihilates our capacity to think and to resolve the problems it originated; anger only distorts our focus, putting us out of balance from within; putting ourselves out of balance makes us only weaker, never stronger than the Ego would simply believe;

Anger only leads us to violence; the goal of violence is to lead us to violence and to produce only more violence; violence only makes a man weaker; the origin cause of violence is the original sin: fornication; therefore, anger is a path to impurity;

We must choose scientific chastity over fornication; we must be aware of the origin causes of anger; in reality, there are only four causes of anger; they are frustration, doubt, guilt, and fear;

We must comprehend and be aware of our frustration, doubt, guilt, and fear from within before we let ourselves fall into anger; one can engage in deep thought, or meditation to comprehend these defects; many lives can be saved if we comprehend these four origin causes of anger and apply them in real life; if we comprehend our fears, doubts, guilt, and frustrations before these four can control us, then the ego of wrath (in the form of legions) can be destroyed forever; in addition, he who eliminates all four causes of anger through awareness and comprehension shall dominate the world;

When we allow ourselves to be deceived and controlled by anger, we are at risk of projecting our wrath onto others, producing only disastrous results and dire consequences unto others (which may include casualties); then, of course, we have to pay for the damages caused by our failure to comprehend our anger; the diverse use of anger has lead us into horrible social, economic, and psychological failures; even worse, letting ourselves fall into anger only destroys our image;

“The worst ruler is the one who cannot rule himself” – Cato the Elder

Anger is only for crazy people; those who use their anger for delight are the fools, giving them an air of superiority; in this case, anger is combined with pride; for this reason, all crazy people are the worst rulers of the world; the worst ruler is also the only who serves his Ego over his Innermost; the only people that can control any worse ruler is the one who has complete self-control;

The good ruler will always be on top over crazy rulers; the good ruler is the one who can conquer the world, comprehending and destroying all four causes of anger; when we confront our anger, we must choose our emotions wisely which is most convenient unto us; only kindness and patience will conquer wrath;

One must never be long-tempered, or patient in excess; one who is long-tempered will easily fall into short-tempered; he who is long-tempered is also out of balance; short-tempered is another word for anger;

So there is no reason for one to be angry; anger has no purpose in life; it only leads us to violence; you know where violence will land you if you leave it unchecked; there is also no reason to feel hatred toward others; You know why hate and anger are never to be used, for hate and anger causes man to be the worst ruler of all; that is all.
