Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



Many (or perhaps a few) charlatans would no doubt call themselves Juan Mirieth Auriel to deceive the masses; they can be scammers posing themselves as Juan Mirieth Auriel to dupe you into their message of salvation;

i would not simply call myself Juan Mirieth Auriel; i know from self-realization that i am Juan Mirieth Auriel because the Elohim gave me this name;

Neither would i consider myself good; it would be flattery if i consider myself good; i am neither good nor evil;

The ego would believe itself to be good while viewing others as wrong;

i know these works of the devil as they would no doubt appear as the Lord Jesus Christ if they choose; these agents of the Black Lodge will lead the sheep into the Abyss;

These perverse agents will come unto you as sheep's clothing to deceive the masses, to fool others that Juan Mirieth Auriel is leading you into salvation;

They would no doubt create a pornographic or perilous website using juanmiriethauriel as the web name; pornography is the work of the Black Lodge;

They will plagiarize my name if they like, ruin my reputation with their intellectual sorcery if they wish, or spread false rumors about me;

Remember, i am never here to save anyone; i am only a postal courier, a humble messenger delivering the message unto you, nothing more;

You alone must realize yourself; it would be best to do the Magnus Opus; remember who you are; do these things, and save yourself; the path to final liberation is never a free pass;

These charlatans will be exposed; their mantras to conceal their crimes will no longer work for them; it did work in the past but no more; their assault and battery, regardless of any sorcery used, will work their way back towards them; what happens in darkness will enter the light;

Remember to trust no scammer; trust is an overrated word; you must comprehend the scheme of phishing by scammers; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, faced multiple scammers and, like the windstorm against a strong mountain, i never bow down to them;

To bow down to charlatans and scammers is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil; selling your soul to the devil is fornication; you must use common sense against bowing down to charlatans and scammers; these charlatans and scammers are weak, always weak;

If you are a scammer or a charlatan reading this, now is the time to repent sexually; if you fail to repent in the end, it will be too late to realize your mistakes, and you will enter into the Abyss where you will face the Second Death.