Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



“i am sex which is not contrary to religion” – Bhagavad Gita 7:11

Sex contradicts no religion;

When i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, state that sex contradicts no religion, it contradicts the nonreligious, the ralegious;

Religion and ralegion spell and mean differently, despite being phonetically related; both religion and ralegion are antitheses;

Sex is the power of man and woman; sex is knowledge; knowledge is power; sex is gnosis;

Sex is the only absolute in the universe;

Sex is the property of man and woman; sex is no license;

i state that sex contradicts ralegion;

All ralegious organizations are under the domination of the Black Lodge; behold, they teach “religion” yet they do no religion; these are your Pharisees;

When the Pharisees hear of religion, they reject and react; religion truly contradicts the very teachings of the Pharisees; religion conforms to no doctrine from the ralegious organizations;

Religion is made to serve man and woman; it has nothing to do with serving religion or ralegion; every man and woman has free will;

Woe unto those who reject religion, for the lack of knowledge destroys the very nonreligious; the reaction is no revolution; the reaction is rebellious;

The rejection of religion is similar to the rejection of the Eucharist that our Lord Jesus Christ taught to his disciples in the Last Supper; those who reject the Eucharist are never Christians, the sheep of Christ, for they reject Christ our Yah-Hovah and worship idols;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, never speak of idols as gods and goddesses carved in stone; i refer to the worship of the mind that is idolatry; idolatry refers to the very things upon the earth that are worshiped;

The ralegious morally hate religion and refuse to repent; they are lost in their delusions and despairs; for the ralegious, they pave their road to the Abyss where they meet the Second Death;

In the name of true, religion is revolutionary; sex contradicts no religion; sex only contradicts ralegion.