Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



Da’ath is a Hebrew word;

One pronounces Da’ath as Daleth-Ayin-Tav (דעת), the doorway to see or experience by your seal;

Hence, Da’ath is a Hebrew word for knowledge;

Another word for knowledge in Greek is Gnosis;

Gnosis and Da’ath mean knowledge, to know;

To know is defined by the following:

i) to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty;

ii) to have established or fixed in the mind or memory;

iii) to be cognizant or aware of;

iv) be acquainted with (a thing, place, person, and more), as by sight, experience, or report;

v) to understand from experience or attainment (usually followed by how before an infinitive);

vi) to be able to distinguish one from another;

vii) (Archaic) to have sexual intercourse with;


“And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son” – Genesis 4:25;

Knowledge, or to know, is related to sexuality; hence, Da’ath, or Gnosis, is a direct reference to sex; as a result, Da’ath, Gnosis, or Knowledge is the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman or the insertion of a man’s virile member into a woman’s vagina; that is all;

There are many names of knowledge; they are as follows: coitus, copulation, sex act, sexual intercourse, coition, sexual congress, and sexual relation; there are two types of knowledge that relate to Da’ath; They are immaculate knowledge and carnal knowledge;

In the Book of Genesis in Chapters 2 – 3, two trees are within the Garden of Eden; they are never literal but symbolic; one of the trees is the Tree of Life; the Tree of Life is the map to the universe and also the map of the human soul; Adam and Eve are allowed to eat the Tree of Life;

Otz Chaim

The Tree of Life (Otz Chaim – עץ חים) has many names found in ancient cultures on the earth; the Tree of Life is the burning bush that Moses (Moshe) saw in the wilderness (Exodus 3); the Tree of Life is the same tree in which the Buddha Shakyamuni found enlightenment; in the Nordic tradition, the Tree of Life is Yggdrasil; the common name for the Tree of Life in Kabbalah;

Another tree in the Garden of Eden is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; in Hebrew, it is Otz Da’ath Tob Ve Ra (עץ הדעת טוב ורע), or the Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Impurity; Genesis 2:16-17 reads: “And the Lord God (Yah-Hovah Elohim) commanded man (Adam), saying, “of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the Tree of Knowledge of good (goodness) and evil (impurity) you shall never eat of it, for on the day that you eat thereof, you shall surely die”;

Because knowledge itself is sexual, the tree of knowledge of goodness and impurity is the seed of a wo/man; The seed of the wo/man is semen (shemen – שמן); goodness in Hebrew is Tob, and one pronounces it as Teth-Vav-Beth (טוב); Tob is the serpent, vav is “and,” and beth is the house; the house represents husband and wife, and the serpent is the Kundalini; the Kundalini is the positive life-giving serpent that man and woman awake; a man is never a man without a woman (house); so likewise, she is never a woman without a man (house);

“And the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes, and the tree was desirable to make one wise; so she took of its fruit, and she ate, and she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate; and the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves and made themselves girdles”; Genesis 3:6-7

To eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Impurity symbolizes the spilling of the seed to orgasm; it is carnal knowledge or the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman to the point of reaching orgasm and ejaculation; to spill the seed to orgasm is known as fornication; to fornicate is to burn with the desire to spill the seed to orgasm; those who fornicate give birth to impurity inside and are no longer able to perceive Yah-Hovah Elohim directly;

Impurity in Hebrew is Ra (Resh-Ayin – רע), the head is resh, and the eyes (or to see/experience) are ayin; so, Ra is to see/experience with the head; when an impurity is born, the demon is born at the same time and spiritual death also occurs at the same time;

So, Daath has two paths of knowledge: The Path of Tob and the Path of Ra; both ways distinguish the Hebrew Letter Ayin (ע); the soul has the free will by their sexual actions to choose either goodness or impurity; Indecision, the Sixth Card of the Arcanum Tarot: Indecision, represents it;

“Man, know thyself (immaculate knowledge), and thou shalt know the universe (Tree of Life) and its gods (Elohim)” – Oracle of Delphi;

There are two ways to know yourself: goodness or impurity; The impure way of knowing yourself is spilling the seed to orgasm all the time; he who knows himself by spilling the seed knows himself negatively, and he paves his road to the abyss; whoever knows oneself negatively will never be genuinely self-realized;

The most sacred and holy way of knowing thyself is by the proper use of sex: chastity; chastity never means abstention from sex or knowledge; chastity only means one thing: abstention from fornication, abstaining from spilling the seed to orgasm; one of the sacred ways in positively knowing yourself is to never suffer the sexual energies to escape; you must trap the sexual energies and put them into use; to trap and put the sexual energies into use is to transmute sexual energies upwards;

The Cross

Those who want to undo the damages caused by fornication must do the following (as Christ Jesus taught in Luke 9:23): 

i) Deny yourself, 

ii) Take up the cross, 

iii) And follow me (Christ Jesus);

The first path is to deny yourself; to deny yourself is to put to death any false self-realizations that identify with the Ego, Satan, and the “I”; the “I” is the legions of psychological aggregates that bottle up the essence; to kill any negative self-realizations is also the way to deny yourself; to deny yourself is arduous work because you are up against (thousands of) legions of sinning “I” s that want to survive and refuse to die;

The second path is to take up the cross; the cross is the intersecting lines of man and woman; the man is the vertical line or the up-triangle; the woman is the horizontal line or the down triangle; the union of man and woman make the cross or the hexagram; to take up the cross is to take on the path of Tob; you must marry your spouse; you can never be genuinely self-realized without your spouse; you and your spouse must sexually connect without fornication; another word for it is the Arcanum; it defines by this very secret by Samael Aun Weor: “insert the virile member (of a man) in the vagina (of a woman), and withdraw it without spilling the divine energy through orgasm”; it is called immaculate knowledge; Immaculate knowledge is the insertion of a man’s penis into a woman’s vagina without leading the couple to orgasm and ejaculation; it is sexual alchemy, the golden eroticism; it is also very difficult to do since this sacred sexual act requires willpower to dominate and conquer the tempting serpent, known as Shaitan/Lucifer; when the couple perform the Arcanum, the Kundalini (the Bronze Serpent of Moshe) awakens;

The third path is to follow Christ Jesus; you must be born again of fire and water and sacrifice for others; to be born of fire and water is to incarnate the fire of Christ; the fire of Christ saves those who purify themselves against all forms of impurity;

Alchemy derives from El and Chemia; El is Hebrew for God, and Chemia is to fuse or cast metal; so, alchemy is to unite oneself once again with Yah-Hovah Elohim;

The path of Gnosis/Daath is through the proper use of sexuality, the Art of Chastity; the impure way of Gnosis/Daath is through the improper use of sex, impurity, and fornication;

Those who want to return to the Path of Goodness must perform chastity and renounce fornication forever; you must achieve chastity and take up the cross through the Magnus Opus; the bite of the Bronze Serpent, the Kiss of the Divine Mother Kundalini will heal you.