Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



A divorce is the formal separation of husband and wife according to their established customs; there are three causes of divorce;

One of the major causes of divorce is adultery; the ninth Decalogue clearly states that you must never commit adultery or desire your neighbor's spouse; through obedience to the ninth Decalogue, he establishes his foundation; he who commits adultery lacks judgment and will destroy himself; he who commits adultery while married will break the heart of his spouse; this is how one betrays his faith unto his spouse; the betrayal of his matrimonial faith unto his rightful spouse is sufficient grounds for divorce;

In the name of truth, I even had my ex-uncle who committed adultery many years ago; with the crime in tow, my ex-uncle betrayed his matrimonial faith unto my biological aunt; fortunately, both my aunt and ex-uncle were officially divorced starting around the year 2000;

He who commits adultery with his neighbor's spouse will lose the will to his rightful spouse, or his true love; the White Lodge has the power to give you your true love (spouse); however, the White Lodge also has the power to take away your rightful spouse should you betray your faith to your spouse; adultery is an unforgivable sin;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, have warned you many times that fornication is an unforgivable sin; fornication, or sexual immorality, is also a common ground of divorce; it is also porneia, the original etymology behind the word pornography; clearly, pornography is a depiction of fornication and sexual immorality through tangible or intangible media which leads one to eat the forbidden fruit;

Fornication is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; fornication is also sexual desire; all sexual desires will never be satisfied; to fornicate is to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Impurity; to fornicate is to spill the divine energy by having the orgasm; he who eats the forbidden fruit is expelled from the Garden of Eden; he who fornicates breaks the everlasting joys of the honeymoon; he who fornicates ends the Perfect Matrimony;

In the name of true, I had an older cousin who committed fornication with his former girlfriend; both broke up after fornication, and the unforgiving sin resulted in the birth of a child, only a demon; traces of love are all gone by the sin of fornication;

You can also lose your rightful spouse should you undertake the oath of the Black Lodge; it is the Black Lodge that teaches the fatal doctrine of fornication, backward creeds, and the awakening of the abominable Kundabuffer; those who say that black tantra is the true source to final liberation are liars; recommending sorcery and fornication to your spouse is a one-way ticket to divorce; this is exactly how Yahweh lost his wife due to his actions; do this, and your spouse will never follow you;

Divorce can also be the result of the imperfect matrimony between the man and the woman; likewise, the imperfect relationship between the man and the woman also leads to divorce; divorce will also result from the foolish use of the matrimony; when the couple lacks the foundation of the matrimony, divorce will result;

One can avoid divorce by trending on the Narrow Path; you must be married to return to the Garden of Eden; the relationship between the man and the woman must be perfect, free from impurities and unifying all bodies between the couple; likewise, the Matrimony between the man and the woman must be perfect; all matrimonies must be serious, committing, and loving; none of the matrimonies are taken lightly; through the will of the Innermost, the foundation of the matrimony between the man and the woman is the basis of the Perfect Matrimony; only then can divorce be extinct;

You must teach and train your spouse in transmutation, knowledge, and the Arcanum; she will follow you; whenever the Perfect Matrimony is performed, this process is permanent and irreversible; the secret key to the Perfect Matrimony is the following: insert the virile member into the vagina and withdraw it without spilling the divine energy; the key is love; man is wisdom; woman is love; this is the Arcanum; once you are married, you will never put asunder; once married, you will never divorce your spouse except for crimes of sexual impurity; by sex, you and your spouse are permanently bound physically, mentally, and spiritually; all seven bodies of man and woman are united together through the Holy Matrimony; this is how man and woman are united into one flesh; you must remember that you have a spouse if you are married; never allow yourself to be led astray by a beautiful woman; should a beautiful woman tempt you into adultery, never consent; it is better to sacrifice yourself for your spouse rather than fall into adultery; the honeymoon and true love will last a lifetime when the Perfect Matrimony is performed.