Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



God is Yahweh;

Yahweh is the Chief of the Black Lodge; he is a fallen angel;

Yahweh is male; he calls himself God, knowing he is never a God;

Before he joined the Black Lodge, he had a wife; after he fell to impurity, he persuaded his wife to join him, but she refused and divorced him as a result;

The fallen Jews who follow Yahweh are considered his chosen people; those who are not his chosen people are considered animals;

God, as Yahweh, never answers your prayers; God, as Yahweh, has failed mankind; God, as Yahweh, is your enemy;

Yahweh is the founder and the highest pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church; the Roman Catholic Church is a fallen sect from the Gnostic Church;

God, as Yahweh, was responsible for the temptation of Christ and the cruxification of Christ; he is directly responsible for the failure of the evolution of mankind;

Beyond reasonable doubt, it is no understatement that demons pose as Jesus Christ to deceive, fool, and deviate people away from the Narrow Path; i have seen a false depiction of Jesus Christ morph into a demon in my dreams; it is a clear warning from 2 Corinthians 11:14;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, am writing this to help you be aware of what God is; one must never be a monotheist, or believe in only one God who is Yahweh in disguise; he who is a monotheist is one step closer to atheism than he realizes;

To avoid falling into atheism, one must be a monistic polytheist; there is Yah-Hovah Elohim; note that i never include God; God in Hebrew is El; Yah-Hovah is Lord, the holy cross that we must carry; the Elohim is plural for gods and goddesses, male and female;

Many will confuse the name of Yah-Hovah Elohim with Yahweh Elohim; even so, Yahweh Elohim refers to the Elohim of impurity under the command of Yahweh; the Elohim of impurity are demons; that is all;

Beware that trust is an overrated word; you must use discernment and discrimination properly; the improper use of these two things leads one to disaster;

It is urgent to reject Yahweh and his Elohim, his legions of demons; here i made a dedication unto Yah-Hovah and Jesus Christ; note that i stole it from the devil (that is the Joy of Satan website, now called Satan is God) and whiten it:

Before the almighty and ineffable Yah-Hovah and in the presence of all Angels of Heaven, who are the True and the Original Elohim, i, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances to impurity; i renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Yahweh and his Elohim; i renounce Saint Mary, the queen mother of bitches; i renounce his foul, odious, and rotten theories and beliefs;

i proclaim Yah-Hovah Elohim as my one and only Elohim, and in Jesus Christ, the Chief of the White Lodge (born of the Virgin Mary); i promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors;

Sign this pact internally with your sexual transmutation, inwards and upwards, never suffering the seed to escape from you;

At the end of the ritual, close with the words “Sela fiat”; and a Big “in the name of Christ, by the majesty of Christ, and by the power of Christ”.