Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

How To Read

How To Read

There is a way how to read; it has nothing to do with what we should read; it has also nothing to do with telling others what to read; telling others what to read is synonymous with telling others what to do; telling others what to read destroys creativity within oneself;

Everyone has free will and decides what to read that is useful and resourceful to one's spiritual growth; consider how we should read, for there are two types of reading; they are passive reading and active reading;
Passive reading is simple reading; it is reading through every word and sentence without awareness and comprehension; it can also involve skimming, or reading too fast with little to no comprehension; he who reads without awareness nor comprehension is mentally asleep, and he never comprehends what he reads now; anyone who passively reads are passive readers; all passive readers are simpletons; they only look at the garment, or narratives of the book, more they know not;

Active reading is comprehensive reading; active reading is reading through every word and sentence with mental awareness and comprehension; of course, one may annotate (with notes or with an organized mind) what the book reveals in his own words; active reading enables one to efficiently draw inferences, based what the book has revealed; active reading also enables one to draw complex verdicts, based on what the book has revealed; active reading can also involve word study and etymology, like the word “verdict”: verus is truth in Latin, and dictum is the past tense of “to say” in Latin; anyone who actively reads is an active reader; all active readers are initiates; they see not merely the book, but what the book covers;

The only stumbling block against active reading is the Ego itself; the Ego, when reading something, will filter these subjectively to its perception; the sinning “I” will associate itself with its prejudices, stereotypes, or beliefs; the Ego is the cause of passive reading and the faulty in comprehending the book; to eliminate the Ego requires mental awareness and comprehension; mental awareness and comprehension is an exercise of building a proper, psychological aspect of active reading; active reading requires creativity, concentration, and stillness of the mind; the mind must be emptied from all thoughts created by psychological aggregates to actively read;

It is active reading that enables one how to read, not what to read; it is active reading that enables one to creatively write;

Behold, the Bible (Quran, Torah, Sutra, et cetera) is never to be read like a newspaper; the Bible is not to be interpreted literally; those who interpret the Bible literally are passive readers; hence, they know nothing about it; reading the Bible requires active reading with a psychological mindset to the Gnostic Mysteries; you must know the symbolism, metaphors, and allegories to comprehend the Bible; the same is said true for parables.