Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy




Pornography is a depiction or photos of prostitutes; it is a media of whores, displaying themselves to arouse sexual desire in the viewers; as always, sexual desires are never satisfied;

If one were to look into porn, one can see nasty depictions that normal adults should never do; the pornography of sexual parts and their shrewd nakedness is the most perverse depictions known to mankind; clearly, anyone who recommends pornography is a pervert; let us repeat this: anyone who recommends pornography is a pervert;

These deviants think it is cool to recommend pornography as a low-level, nonviolent drug; these are sorcerers or demons of the Black Lodge;

Pornography is never a harmless and nonviolent drug; it is a deadly, addicting, harmful, and violent drug that destroys people, and innocent women are the often most targeted; in fact, it is a crime to commit prostitution; those who commit prostitution are liable to prison; those who commit sexual assault are liable to prison and entitlement as a lifetime sex offender;

It is clear that porngraphy destroys the heart; pornography is never love; porn is lust; it is lust that destroys the heart; those who say that pornography is love are sexual perverts;

Behind the industry of porn lies human trafficking; even the slang language can be used during sexual perversity; the slang language is the language only known to the number of the beast, whose number is 666; pornography is 100% animalistic sex or carnal sex;

Another type of porn is vampiric pornography; vampiric pornography is homosexual porn; not only is it nasty and perverse but also an abomination; even worse is child pornography; these pedophiles or your sexual predators are perverts preying on your children; these degenerated, sexual monsters are truly impure and unclean; these pedophiles are subjected to be lifetime sexual offenders;

Pornography is adultery and fornication combined; both adultery and fornication are eternal offenses; those who commit these crimes are liable to Abyss, for they are blasphemers against the Holy Spirit; all sins are forgiven except one: blasphemy against the Holy Spirit;

Because pornography is nasty, perverse, and blasphemous; pornography is unclean; anyone who has fornicated is unclean until evening; those who watched porn are already unclean; therefore, it is detestable to watch porn;

It is the Black Lodge that recommended porn as a reaction against the Arcanum; the Black Lodge morally hates the Arcanum; therefore, the Black Lodge is antirevolutionary;

Arcanum AZF

The only cure against pornography is the Arcanum; the Arcanum, or the Arcanum AZF, is the antithesis of porn;

Because porn is unclean and detestable, the Arcanum is clean and holy before the Innermost; the Arcanum is 100% divine sex; the Arcanum is the coitus reservatus of man and woman;

To cure pornography, one must comprehend that sex is inevitable and indestructible; one must use sex positively; porn is negative; coitus reservatus is positive;

The word positive is a clue for the cross; the cross is the coitus reservatus of man and woman, no more and no less;

Because porn is addictive, we must eliminate all forms of sexual desire to perform the coitus reservatus; therefore, we must eliminate sexual desire and sexual aversion to perform the coitus reservatus;

For the coitus reservatus of man and woman to be complete, there must be love; love is the highest form of religion; it is love that heals both man and woman; the coitus reservatus heals the heart of man and woman;

The coitus reservatus is the narrow path to religion; the relationship between man and woman must be perfect before the coitus reservatus; it is the perfect relationship between man and woman that heals love in the heart; through this door lies the Perfect Matrimony;

Therefore, the coitus reservatus is the only cure against pornography.