Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

Solar Moon

Solar Moon

It is marvelous to see a solar moon; it is one of a kind you would see; partiality is the key, yet totality is the best;

How the old crescent moon passes away and is reborn as the new crescent moon; like the new moon, the solar moon is the symbolism of death and rebirth except the moon blocks the sun;

The mundane, in multitude, enjoy the scenery of the new, solar moon and the dimming and fainting sunlight before its totality; it would be a partially sunny day only for its sunlight to grow dimmer;

Close to totality, the sunlight rapidly and quickly passes away; within a minute of its totality, the moon dims sunlight in a flash to reveal its darkness, its umbra: the shadow;

One can see a white, milky corona around the dark-ultraviolet and blackened moon; the surroundings of the solar moon emit a bluish-black halo in the sky; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, have seen the Solar Moon with my own eyes (without aids) for no more than a minute; and now, i see and write to tell you the experience i have with the Solar Moon;

Solar moons last no more than a few minutes, and it is never recommended to look at Solar Moons; if you do, you must develop common sense by looking at the Solar Moon for no more than a minute, better with aids; these dark durations can stop unpredictably; once at the end of the Solar Moon, sunlight will quickly flash and strengthen in reappearance, signaling the beginning of the new crescent moon; looking at this sun will bring permanent eye damage to you;

The featured image above is described closely enough of the Solar Moon i have seen; just once in my life, it is my experience with the Solar Moon; i was once a sungazer, which i began roughly five years before the Solar Moon; it was how i was able to perform this feat; now sungazing is never done with the Gnostic Movement;

blood moon

Before the solar moon, i have witnessed three out of four blood moons; this moon is safe to look at at night; the blood moon never emits a strong red light; it emits a dimmed orange-to-red light when the earth blocks the moon from the sun; no objects cast its shadow from the blood moon; in this environment on the earth, there is only darkness with the blood moon; what a sight to see;

At the dawn of the blood moon, the moonlight diminishes, and the shadow and umbra from these objects from the blood moon pass away; close to the blood moon, the moonlight passes away; works of magic are strong during the full moon;

These are my experiences of the Solar Moon and the Blood Moon; Solar Moons at their totality are one of a kind that you would witness just once in your life; blood moons at their totality are also one of a kind to experience.