Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

The Atomic Energy of Chastity

The Atomic Energy of Chastity

Chastity is far more atomic and more powerful than fornication and lust combined, just like Love is far more powerful than lust and impurity; those who do chastity gather up all the sexual energy utilizing sexual transmutation;

Those who fornicate (spilling the seed through the orgasm outwards and downwards) will never be more powerful than those who transmute sexual energies inwards and upwards;

Chastity represents the Divine Mother Kundalini; she is the Virgin Mary, Isis, et cetera;

One of her ways to be worshiped is sexual transmutation; however, her best way to be worshiped is the sexual connection of man and woman without spilling the divine energy; the Divine Mother Kundalini awakens when man and woman do the Arcanum daily;

These are her words to her initiate: “If you need to keep doing chastity (sexual transmutation), you need to get married”; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, consider it impossible to awaken the kundalini without a woman; i also consider it impossible to get married without a woman;

A woman is a man's priestess-spouse whom he is allowed to do sexual magic; married, or the word Mary (Virgin Mary), itself relates to Matrimony, which is the action of the Divine Mother; matrimony itself is the immaculate sexual connection of man and wife; that is all;

Both man and wife, utilizing the proper use of chastity, gather all the atomic energy of sexuality inwards and upwards, facilitating the power to create.