Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

The Fatal Antithesis of the Arcanum

The Fatal Antithesis of the Arcanum

Whenever i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, recommend white tantra unto you, there is always an archenemy who recommends the exact opposite of what i impart unto you; 

Behold: whenever the White Lodge gives and imparts teachings unto you, so does the Black Lodge; when the teachings of the White Lodge thicken, so does impurity;

The Arcanum is chastity; the Arcanum means law and true; it represents aqua, sulfur, and fire; so, the Arcanum is water, sulfur, and fire in alchemy;

Fire is the male semen; water is the female semen; the secret: insert the virile member into the vagina and withdraw it without spilling the divine seed;

Whenever gnostic instructors teach the Arcanum in the open, an antithesis also teaches its opposite; the Black Lodge is furious that the gnostic instructors teach the Arcanum to the public, for they morally hate chastity; to counteract this knowledge, they created and recommended pornography to the public;

Pornography itself is infrasexual magic; pornography is the visual (video or photo) and audio depiction of prostitutes, which causes the lustful arousal of the victim for him to fornicate; these depictions are immodest unto the viewers and despicable to those to the public;

As stated many times, he who recommends fornication is a sorcerer; those who recommend pornography comprehend no mysteries of white tantra; we must, however, know the enemy first and ourselves before the Black Lodge is defeated; one can find these depictions by the Black Lodge on websites, magazines, or any media in the world; the Black Lodge is indeed very cunning, intelligent, and intellectual; they want the number of pornographic media to be as numerous as the sands of the sea; they want pornography to never die;

Yet those who commit the act of infrasexual magic are those who awaken the abominable Kundabuffer;
Behold: the abominable mother kundabuffer is Saint Mary; it is no Virgin Mary that gave birth to Jesus Christ; it is the fatal Mary that the sorcerers adore and worship; Saint Mary is the motherfornicator;
In the name of true, the fatal antithesis of white tantra is pornography; whenever white tantra is taught and given unto you, so does the Black Lodge thickens the plot to deliver pornography to the world; we wrote it for you to be aware of the schemes of the Black Lodge for the difficult times ahead; the writings are essential to the defeat of the Black Lodge through self-realization.