Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

The Negative Serpent

The Negative Serpent

There is always an innate compulsory to connect with one's spouse; its activity lies within both men and women;

The Elohim created man for the woman, yet the Elohim created woman for the man;

A serpent wants wo/man to know; to know relates to Gnosis and is directly associated with sexuality; it is a serpent that wants man to know: to have a sexual connection with a woman; it is the negative serpent;

The negative serpent tempted Eve (Genesis 3), causing her to fall; it is the negative serpent (or the energy of Eve) that pushes for procreation;
it is the Law of the Body; in a man's eyes, he dreams of a young girl whom he swore to protect and marry; within the eyes of a woman, she dreams of a brave prince whom she can cuddle with to marry; the man wants to absorb from his wife to realize himself; the woman wants to absorb from her husband to know herself; love brings both together;

Behold, sex is inevitable;

It is urgent to connect with a woman sexually; however, it is only with a spouse that the White Lodge has delivered unto us; in addition, we can only sexually connect with our respective spouses in our legitimate-constituted homes; our legitimate-constituted home is our headquarters, or our location, that the White Lodge gives us to do the Arcanum; our headquarters are located respectively upon the individual anywhere around the world;

He who sexually connects with a woman other than his own is already committing adultery; the only method against adultery for a man is to marry his rightful woman, while a woman must marry her rightful husband to be faithful to one another; it is better to get married than to be single; matrimony is the sexual connection of man and wife under the guidance of the White Lodge; it has nothing to do with forms, contracts, laws, or formulas of the barbaric society;

One must learn to use and control sexual energy; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, consider it impossible to kill the negative serpent; you must whiten the negative serpent and raise it on the staff; in other words, we must control and conquer the negative serpent; it is true for the coitus of man and woman, especially with close contact; there the negative serpent is at its most potent; we write these laws for you to be aware and comprehend the tempting powers of the negative serpent;

Sex is neither desired nor avoided; desire is fornication, and aversion is infrasexuality; both things are omitted from the equation to return to the Kingdom of the Innermost; sex itself is the narrow path; the woman herself is the narrow path. Any smart-alecks who think that the narrow path excludes sexuality are sincerely mistaken; they will go to the Second Death, where one hears the wailing and gnashing of teeth; those who recommend aversion to sex absorb cold air instead of their principalities from their respective spouses; the absorption of cold air inevitably leads one to fornication; fornication itself is eating the forbidden fruit or spilling the seed to orgasm; fornication is how one obeys the negative serpent; please beware of the Ego:

• It is born out of fornication;

• The Ego likes fornication and morally hates and fears death;

• The Ego is under the Law of Eternal Return against its will;

When the Ego is born, it also goes to its Eternal death, where we kill the Ego;

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, it is urgent to connect with our spouses sexually; however, the law remains:

• Thou shalt never fornicate;

• He who fornicates will fall into dolor, fueling desire instead of love;

• Love must reign in the Gnostic homes, primarily through the Arcanum;

It is love that creates the Holy Cross, the Perfect Matrimony.