Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

The Real Jew

The Real Jew  

A Jew is defined in the dictionary as one of a scattered group of people that traces their descent from the Biblical Hebrews or postexilic adherents of Judaism; A Jew is a person whose religion is Judaism; however, the New Testament Bible says otherwise;

Revelations 2:9 reads: ”I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, yet thou art rich; I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan”;

Right here is the word: the Synagogue of Satan; a Synagogue is a house of worship, a religious assembly, or a group; so, the Synagogue of Satan is the house of Satanic worship or a Satanic assembly or a group;

There are two types of Jews: those who follow Jehovah (their Shaddai, their Adonai, their Yah-Hovah, their Eheieh asher Eheieh) and those who follow Yahweh (the Satan/Jahve/Jove that has deceived mankind for ages);

Those who follow Yahweh are never Jews; they are fallen and corrupt Jews; the Synagogue of Satan is another name for the Black Lodge; behold, the Black Lodge is a synagogue for the Satanist; another name for a Satanist is a sorcerer, the malefici; this terribly, perverse demon leads the Black Magicians; Yahweh is the Chief Leader of the Black Lodge, and he is imprisoned in the bottomless pit, crucified upside-down; for this, he is the secret author for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; these followers of Yahweh, calling themselves Jews, are the false Jews; behold, any false Jew, who recommends fornication, is a false prophet;

Romans 2:28-29 reads: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter (materialism); whose praise (appraisal and worship) is not of men, but of Yah-Hovah Elohim”;

Those who outwardly say they are Jews and practice outward circumcision are never real Jews, yet anyone calling themselves Jew and never born of fire and water is never a real Jew;

Jews that follow their Innermost are real Jews; these are the good Jews; a real Jew is the benefici in the heart of Judaism; a real Jew is an active practitioner of Judaism, born of fire and water; the Jewish equivalent of Jesus Christ is Moses, yet he who believes (experiences) Christ Jesus is a Messianic Jew; Moses (Moshe) itself is Hebrew, meaning born of fire and water; the Hebraic spelling of Moses is Mem-Shin-Hei; Mem is water; Shin is fire; Hei is the womb;

A real Jew is a benefici deep down, circumcised and cleansed through heart and spirit; a Jew is not circumcised by any written letter (materialistic) and not praised (worship) of men; another name for a Jew is a Yude or Yew;
the letter J was not invented until the 15th century; before this time, the letter J was the Roman Letter I; the word Jew was Iew or Iude; The Hebrew word for Jew is Yehud (יהוד); the plural, Hebraic word for Jews is Yehudim (יהודים); the Roman Letter I at the beginning was the sound Y; behold, the Roman Letter I is Yod/Iod, the 10th Letter in Hebrew; even the name, Jehovah, is also Yah-Hovah, or Yod-Havah;

To be a real Jew, a Jew and his wife must practice immaculate sexual magic, so they can be born of water and the spirit; those who are born again not of the flesh, yet water and spirit, can be a real Jew (Christian, Muslim, et cetera);

There has been discrimination against Jews since the dawn of time; it is the result of the impure use of discrimination; the improper use of discrimination against the Jews is Antisemitism, a hate crime against Jews; it is never an understatement; many Jews have been murdered because of Antisemitism;

One notorious leader who took discrimination against Jews to an insidious level was Adolf Hitler; Adolf Hitler was formerly a Gnostic initiate who did goodness for Germany; his weakness was his poorly developed use of discrimination; he was well aware that the Sanhedrin were those who follow Yahweh and sought to eliminate them; due to his weakness at the temptation of the devil, he deviated; he did nothing but deviated;

The Sanhedrin is the “fallen” Jewish government that follows and worships Yahweh; the chosen members of 300 are the fallen Jews that make up the Council of 300;

Adolf Hitler deviated from the narrow path; his deviation resulted in targeting innocent European Jews, who knew nothing about the plans of the Sanhedrin; these were innocent people who cared about their lives; it was this fanatical targeting of innocent Jews which directly contributed to the Holocaust, leading to the death of about six million Jews; his deviation, along with the Nazi Party, caused World War II; therefore, the Holocaust did happen; i repeat, the Holocaust did happen;

Those who say that the Holocaust is fake are mistaken people; they are lost in the woods; hence, they fail to learn history; from every disaster, there will always be survivors; it is true from the Holocaust;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, have met a Holocaust survivor; i was in high school in the second half of my teen years when i met the Holocaust survivor from (the last time i remember) Holland; when the Holocaust survivor finished her presentation, i approached to offer condolences where the unexpected happened: she hugged and kissed me as a sign of sympathy; that is all;

There are also “self-proclaimed” Jews that discriminate against us, calling us Gentiles; these are no Jews but fallen Jews; the fallen Jews that call us Gentiles or Goyim are fanatic followers of Yahweh; the fallen Jews that Yahweh considers are his “chosen people”, while those are not chosen are considered animals hence the derogatory word: Gentiles;

Therefore, all real Jews are innocent Jews; the fallen Jews are fanatic followers of Yahweh.