Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

The Tree Of Knowledge

The Tree Of Knowledge

We must be mindful of how we use the word: knowledge; while the word, knowledge, can be used to define awareness and comprehension, there is a hidden meaning of the word that only the Chosen Few can fully comprehend; knowledge itself relates to sexuality; for this, sex must be and is sacred; sex is a precious pearl hidden within both a man and a woman;

Knowledge is the coitus, the sexual intercourse; obviously, to know is to have sexual relations or to have sex; knowledge in Greek is Gnosis, and knowledge in Hebrew is Daath (דעת);

It reminds us of a gnostic organization: Glorian or Glorian Publishing; Glorian Publishing used to have a webpage containing “gnostic teachings”; the webpage “Gnostic teachings” has a hidden meaning, comprehended only to the initiates; Gnostic Teachings, which we know that Gnostic or Gnosis relates to knowledge, is Sexual Teachings because Gnosis relates to sexuality; within the mind, Gnostic Teachings exist to teach us Daath and the Narrow Path;

You would already comprehend the two ways of sexuality; one path of sexuality leads to final liberation; the other path of sexuality leads to the Second Death; Whichever path you choose is up to you; gnosis leads us to comprehend two pieces of knowledge: Immaculate Knowledge and Carnal Knowledge;

Carnal knowledge is the sexual coitus of a man and woman to the point of reaching orgasm and ejaculation; immaculate knowledge is the sexual coitus of a man and a woman without reaching orgasm and ejaculation; it would remind us of the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis;

Eden (עדן) in Hebrew means pleasure; Eden is the Paradise that was lost; it is where we have originated from; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, am not referring to a physical location; Eden that i am referring to is the 4th dimension; The road back to the Garden of Eden is sex; Eden itself is sex; in the name of truth, sex is a pleasure; comprehend the two types of pleasure: angelic pleasure and demonic pleasure;

There are two trees in the Garden of Eden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge; i will discuss the Tree of Knowledge;

The Tree of Knowledge (or the Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Impurity) is the Tree of sexuality; the Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Impurity is in Hebrew: Otz Ha-Daath Tob ve-Ra (עץ הדעת טוב ורע); the Bible states: “As of the Tree of knowledge of goodness and impurity, you cannot eat of it; on the day you eat of it, you would surely die”;

When one eats the forbidden fruit, he will die spiritually; the consumption of the forbidden fruit, as i mentioned many times, is the expulsion of the divine energy through orgasm and ejaculation; whenever one spills the divine energy through orgasm and ejaculation, he spiritually dies, leaving behind a great deal of pain and suffering; whosoever spills the divine energy through orgasm and ejaculation is a fornicator; those who fornicate undergo expulsion from the Garden of Eden; he who fornicates will “become like the Elohim” comprehending goodness and impurity; those who fornicate can never be genuinely immortal; those who choose the path of fornication will convert themselves into demons; hence, fornication is a demonic pleasure; Demonic pleasure is lust and pain; that is all.

The Garden of Eden is not closed nor locked; instead, Yah-Hovah Elohim placed cherubim “east of the garden” to guard the entrance and a “flaming sword” to guard the way to the Tree of Life; there is only one passcode back to the Garden of Eden; The passcode is the sacred Arcanum;

The sacred Arcanum is immaculate knowledge; it is this coitus between a man and woman which creates the holy cross; the secret: “insert the virile member into the vagina and withdraw it without spilling the divine energy through orgasm”; immaculate knowledge is the transmutation of sexual energy between a man and a woman inwards and upwards, conserving the sacred pearl; the sacred pearl itself is the Elixir of Long Life; this sacred pearl is the semen of both man and woman; those who conserve the sacred pearl to transmute it into use morally refrain from eating the forbidden fruit; this very knowledge enables the couple to comprehend what is beyond both goodness and impurity; it is this pleasure that allows both man and woman to return to the Garden of Eden; this pleasure is angelic; angelic pleasure itself is love; the brain must dominate sex to return to Eden; otherwise, there cannot be a return to Eden;

Immaculate knowledge is brain dominance over sex; it is comparable to the symbol of a female and the superior star; the circle of the female symbol is the brain, and the cross of the female symbol is sex; For the superior female symbol, this symbol represents brain over sex; carnal knowledge is sex dominance over the brain; carnal knowledge means the inverted star and the inverted female symbol, which leads all creatures to the Abyss;

Comprehend, my friend, the word knowledge through its double meaning, and you will be fully aware of using the word knowledge for future reference wisely; also, comprehend the wise usage of the word pleasure, and you will know how to use this sacred word wisely.