Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

Urine Therapy Exposed

Urine Therapy Exposed

Warning: This post contains disturbing words not for the faint of heart; sensitive viewers, these words may be problematic; all I am doing is exposing an abominable vice to deviate others away from this deadly vice to return to the narrow path; fortunately, there are no graphic or lewd images in this post; this post is for a mature audience only;

John 4:13-18 – “Jesus answered and said unto her (Samaritan woman), Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that i shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that i shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life;

“The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that i thirst not, neither come hither to draw; Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither; the woman answered and said, I have no husband; Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, i have no husband: For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly”;

You have heard that it is safe to drink urine;

You have heard that urine promotes health benefits;

You have heard that urine therapy wards off cancer;

You have heard that urine therapy cures disease;

You have heard that urine therapy is the fountain of youth;

Everything you hear about the benefits of urine therapy is false; it is more than false, it is a fraud;

i repeat: Urine therapy is a fraud;

Urine is a liquid waste that the human body expels;

Urine is an unclean liquid that the human body expels;

It is extremely foolish to consume anything that the body expels;

In the name of true, he who drinks urine will be unclean;

Likewise, he who fornicates (spills the semen through the orgasm) will also be unclean;

Those who recommend Urine Therapy comprehend no mysteries of the Kabbalah, nor do they know the arcane art of Gnosis;

Consuming anything that the body is expelling from others or self is unclean and abominable;

To drink anything that the body expels defiles the temple of God, for the law states: “Your body is a temple of God”;

Urine Therapy cures neither cancer nor disease; it only promotes cancer and disease due to uncleanness;

Urine Therapy and other expulsions of fluids from the body are the abominable waste products that lead one to death;

Only the Auryn, the sexual seed, is the living wells that spring up to everlasting life;

It is sorcery and an abomination to promote (consumption) bodily fluids that the body expels;

Like the sorcerers who recommend fornication, he who recommends Urine Therapy and other abominable consumption of human waste products is also a sorcerer and a deviant;

Urine Therapy is also the forbidden fruit and spiritual death will arrive; you will see;

Consuming anything the body expels is also forbidden; spiritual death will occur; you will see;

He who recommends urine therapy is a candidate for the Second Death;

Doing so will only further degenerate you into a demon; you will see;
It is blasphemous to say that Urine Therapy is the well of water within a man springing up to everlasting life, for you know that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable; whosoever says so is a sincere liar;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, recommend no Urine Therapy;

Instead, i will deviate you from these abominable vices to help you return to the clean path that leads to the Fountain of Youth; that is all;

It is not too late to repent, for your sins are forgiving you;

Behold, i will lead you to a well of water that Christ will give you so that you will never thirst;

i refer to the well of water by Christ as the sexual transmutation, or sexual alchemy, of man and woman;

One man and one woman are the requirements to receive the Fountain of Youth, no more and no less;

The key to obtaining Christ’s everlasting waters is the coitus reservatus;

You must be married to your woman (or man for a woman);

To be married is the sexual contact of man and wife;

The secret: Insert the virile member into the vagina and withdraw it without spilling the divine energy;

It is the path to Sexual Alchemy;

To those who say it is impossible to be chaste while performing a sexual connection, it is not impossible; anything is possible through the will of the Elohim (Gods and Goddesses);

It is always possible to be chaste while performing the sexual connection; however, it requires willpower to abstain from the orgasm;

It is virtually impossible to obtain the Fountain of Youth as a single; for those who are single find themselves a spouse to perform sexual alchemy faithfully with your spouse;

It is useless to perform sexual alchemy when there is no faith between man and wife;

It is the clean and narrow path back to heaven;

For the sake of others, please help me spread this post to your friends and other social media; you would never know how many lives you can save caused by the fabricated lies and fraudulence about Urine Therapy;

This post is to help others repent of their sins to return to the narrow path.