Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



All virtues are the middle point; any virtue in excess is a vice, yet a vice is a vice; any wo/man who self-identifies with excessive goodness leads to evil to restore the balance;

Desire and aversion are two opposite poles; neither desire nor aversion is the middle point; i state that desire and aversion are all vices yet opposites; advice is the center point that leads one to live; desire is vice, and aversion is excessive virtue;

Chastity, diligence, humility, patience, charity, temperance, and kindness are all virtues; chastity in excess leads to lust, diligence in excess leads to laziness, excess humility leads to pride, excess charity leads to greed, excess temperance leads to gluttony, and excess kindness leads to envy; well, excess (as we know) is an adjective and diminishes the power of virtues; any vice (namely lust, laziness, pride, greed, gluttony, and envy) swings man to the opposing vice (excess virtue);

To restore the balance within wo/man is to comprehend these two opposing vices to discover what is true;

A wo/man is humble; humble is a wo/man who is neither more nor less than his or her i;

The virtue of humble is the middle point; a wo/man who is humble takes no titles;

Titles are bi-polar, either prideful or humble in excess; both are vices;

Humble is the wo/man who is neither more nor less than his or her i;

Virtue is the middle point; the center point is the law of balance.