Breakfast at Tiffany's

Note: Spoiler Alert!!

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a movie that grows on you. The first time I watched it, I honestly thought it was kinda boring. I was expecting Audrey Hepburn to go to some fancy brunch or something like that, but breakfast was hardly featured in the movie, if at all. The only time they ate breakfast was at the beginning. For the rest of the movie, all they did was pretty much just stand around and talk.

But the second time I watched it, it started to grow on me. I now have a few favorite scenes. I also started to see the appeal of classic movies. I love old movies. They're so classy. No drugs, no sex, profanity, and little violence and yet, they still tell the story compellingly. The way a story should be told.

Breakfast at Tiffany's appeal builds on the charm of Audrey Hepburn's character and the nostalgia for earlier times, especially with the iconic little black dress. There are lovely scenes showing the elegance of the city without trying too hard. It feels as if you’re actually there with Holly Golightly, roaming about New York. It really shows the streets as they are, letting you enjoy all the details and spectacles on your own, which I've noticed is quite common in classic movies.

Moon River” is just a beautiful song.

My Favorite Scenes

The opening scene

When Audrey sings “Moon River” outside her window. Something very subtly beautiful and cinematic about that.

The perfect ending to a well-done movie.

Breakfast at Tiffany's may not be my favorite movie of all time but it's a good movie and there are things that I like about it.

That is all.
The Blogger
