I Don't Like “Film”

I don’t really like the word “film.” It sounds too pretentious. Idk whenever I hear the word “film”, I just think of some boring French noir indie movie about some poor gay dude stranded in the desert somewhere and his friend/mom/little kid neighbor next door gets cancer or something. And then all those awful colored filters and shaky cam that make the whole thing look like your friend’s Instagram video. Saying “film” makes movies sound more boring.

I prefer “movie.” It sounds more like a fun Hollywood blockbuster that’s really epic. They’re kind of the reason I liked movies in the first place. I think people say the word “film” a lot so that other people would respect them for studying it. It would be really weird to say my major is movies. It just doesn’t sound academia or intellectual enough so I think people say “film” so that they’d be taken more seriously.

I also like the word “cinema.” It sounds fancy and has a nice, full ring to it. It sounds like a rich person drinking fine wine going to the opera kind of fancy. Fun fact, they did make movie theaters like operas back in the day to appeal to rich people.

I just can’t believe British people say “film” instead of “movie.” They must sound so pretentious all the time.

That is all.

The Blogger
