My Favorite Movies List (Updated)

Last time I did a list of my favorite movies, so I thought I'd do it again.

The Moderns

Mamma Mia
Super 8 
Pride and Prejudice

The Vintage
Singin' in the Rain The Sound of Music Meet Me in St. Louis

Some other movies (mostly, actually all, from the 90s)
The Secret Garden
Forrest Gump
My Girl
Home Alone
Jurassic Park

Disney classics

Sleeping Beauty
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

It's pretty much the same list as last time except I left out most of the Disney movies so the list isn’t too cluttered.

I also added one important addition to the list and that is my new favorite movie, The Secret Garden. I watched it for the first time last year and it's such a wonderful movie. I'm obsessed with it. I was going to do a review on it but never had the time. Maybe later.

That is all.
