Real Places to Travel Inspired by Disney

Want a quintessential Disney experience, but travel the world instead of going to Disney World or Disneyland? Below are real places that complete the out-of-the-parks Disney experience.


Germany is the land of fairytales, castles and dreams. It's where the Brothers Grimm first compiled together the very fairytales that would later come to inspire Disney's works.

Fairytale Road

1. Snow White – Bad Wildungen
It has a spa too!

2. Rapunzel – Trendelberg

3. Sleeping Beauty – Castle Sababerg

Even better, Castle Sababerg now has a hotel so you can sleep where Aurora slept! They also have daily performances in the castle courtyard.

Neuschwanstein Castle

4. Neuschwanstein Castle

This castle inspired Walt Disney's castles in the Parks.


5. Tivoli Gardens
This amusement park was the basis of inspiration for Walt when he was planning the design of Disneyland.

And there you have it! Five places to get out into the world while still feeling like you have that Disney magic with you.

That is all.

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