What Your Favorite Disney Princess Says About You

I had a lot of fun writing the Types of Disney Fans article, so I decided to do an article on what your favorite Disney Princess says about you. After browsing the net, I found that a lot a what-your-favorite-Disney-Princess-says-about-you articles are kind of lame, like this, which is complete trash. This one's better but most of these just repeat the character traits of the princesses, not their actual fans. Oftentimes each princess attracts, in a weird way, certain types of people whose personalities are different from the princess herself. So far, this is the most accurate one I could find.

This article is solely based on my personal observations and not at all 100% accurate. But here we go!

Snow White
You love vintage things and to you, older is always better. You're most likely a Classic Nostalgia fan. You're sweet and love to wear long skirts. You love to watch old movies, old as in black-and-white old school, like Casablanca shit. You're the queen of antique.

You're a basic Betchy fan.

You're obsessed with Audrey Hepburn and like the Snow White fans, love the fine movies of the olden days. You're quite artistic and probably took art or drama in high school. You regard yourself as someone with fine and sophisticated taste, which is probably true. For only someone like you could appreciate the stellar animation of Sleeping Beauty and the underrated characterization of Aurora. You also like cats and tea.

You're a fun person. You exude positivity and seek adventures (like going to Disneyland!). You probably also love the ocean and let's face it, mermaids are just more fun. Your favorite food is probably ice cream.


You’re a 90s hipster kid and a wannabe intellectual.

You have a kind heart and edgy taste. You like shopping at Hot Topic and were probably emo or goth in high school. You're also quite eloquent.

It's like what they say. The wannabe intellectuals are the Belle fans while the true intellectuals are the Pocahontas fans. The fact that Emma Watson, who played Belle, likes Pocahontas better than Belle, says something.

This is quite the broad category because they are multiple types of Mulan fans. Most of them are 90s kids.
The first type are warm and sweet. They appreciate Mulan for being a kick ass female. They are super chill and positive people. Example of a Mulan fan is none other than Auli'i Cravalho, the voice of Moana. They probably took band or choir in high school.
The second are SJWs or tomboys who think they're too cool for the other princesses because they're too “dainty” or “girly” smh. You love to complain about how the other princesses just serve the patriarchy even though that's totally false.

Basically the second subset of Mulan fans, except that they were born 10 years later.

Basically like the Merida fans.

You're probably quite young. Like Aurora fans, you like art, except you actually DO art, while the lazy Aurora fans simply like to sit back and admire your work. You think you're a nerd just because you're quiet but chances are, you're more charismatic than you realize. That, or you're a Flynn fangirl.

Anna You're adorable and aspire to be positive. You probably read self help books. You might also be a musical theater nerd.

You all rock. Just kidding, I'm biased because Elsa is my favorite. You're not afraid to admit you love the most basic princess of 2014. You're also loyal. While everyone else has left the “I love Elsa” bandwagon and moved on to the “Wahhh, Frozen is so overrated and I don't like Elsa anymore” bandwagon, your love for Elsa remains strong to this day. You're also stubborn, or at least that's what your mom says.

Basically the first subset of Mulan fans, except that they were born 10 years later. You appreciate the POC representation of Moana. Unlike Snow White fans, you are forward looking and after seeing the totally cool ocean CGI effects, you aspire to be an animator someday, perhaps for Disney.

That is all.
