Transforming businesses with efficiency and innovation
Principal Software Engineer @ Gray Wolf

5 steps to get started with continuous integration

1. Review and document your current release process

Map all the activities that your team makes to deploy changes to your environments. There are no right or wrong answers, your first step is to understand where you are.

2. Generate a release checklist

Create a list of all the steps that need to take place for a release to happen. By capturing all the activities you can define an owner for each of them and make sure you keep them consistent.

3. Define a release cadence (and stick with it)

Having a regular schedule for releases will make you resolve any roadbloacks. After every release make sure you adjust your plan based on what you learn.

4. Build a script to release changes

Compile a list of commands to generate an artifact and push it to a shared enviroment. The main goal is to remove all manual steps from the deployment process.

5. Configure a deployment pipeline

Select a CI provider and translate your script to run in that tool and deploy with it. Jenkins, Github Actions and Bitbucket Pipelines are the more common options.

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