a busy day. i hit the floor running . i was out early to water the plants and have to go back out this evening to water again. i then headed out to see if i could get some rolls of paper for the aviary floor. i was almost out. i was so relived to get some. then it was to get stamps to mail out letter to new pen pals. now starts the waiting game. then it was over to walmart to get meds. standing in line to get in. standing in line to pay for them. i wondered around the store. it has been a long time since i wondered around alone. it was nice but the pain soon caught up with me and i had to find a place to rest for a bit. then it was over to thrift shop to make a donation and see if i could find a top to match a skirt i bought last fall. wondering around that store sure took alot out of me .
i then decided it was time for something to eat. went to a drive through and got a sandwich and drink. it was nice to sit in the shade alone and eat. i was uncomfortable driving still. but had to if i was to get my errands done.
i came home and had a cup of tea and sat in my chair and soon had an unwanted nap. not sure how long i napped for but the show i was watching was over.
then i started dinner and fed the birds. i didnt get a chance for art today. so i am hoping i will have time tomorrow. having brent working from home really has messed with my routine.
some days i wonder why i am even here. i feel i have no purpose any more. since i was told i have fibro i know what my life will end up as. i push myself to get things done before i cant do them anymore. sooner or later i know i will need someone to come in and help with personal care. so that is one reason i am trying to get rid of things now while i can and i can decide for myself what i keep or get rid of. i dont know when my life will take a down turn but at least i know it wont be a surprise....