a nice sunny day. got the plants watered early and planted the lettuce...finally found the seeds. as i get more into the disease of fibro i am getting more absentminded. i hate it. i am forgetting where i put things and that annoys me even more.
started to straighten out the sun room being as i am in there now some of the day. i am working on it in little bits at a time. its hard as i am sore today from the work i did yesterday. all the heavy lifting i am guessing. i have taken some extra pain meds.
time for tea and a break. been going at it since 9 am. no idea what i will do for supper yet. not even remotely interested in eating today. i will have to though because if i dont my meds will make me sick otherwise.
i am still doing some repotting as well. but its now where do i put these plants. i have only so many windows. but on the good news side my orchid is blooming. its so pretty. no smell from the flowers but they last a long time and there are several branches off the main spike. the second orchid has a spike but no buds yet but it takes a long time for the buds to grow.
i am so tired these last few days and have to really push myself to get things done. sometimes i just want to crawl back into bed and just sleep for days.....